Prayer Times, Salah (Salat) Time in Kuwait

Islamic Prayer Times Al Jahra, Kuwait

Getting accurate and current prayer timings (أوقات الصلاة) of Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha for your desired location or was never this easy. Check prayer times Al Jahra, Kuwait conveniently while on the go to Muslim Prayer Times Kuwait Website.

If you want to know the Islamic prayer timings in your location like Al Jahra, Kuwait, you can select it from the list below or you can specify the exact coordinates of your location. Also in the settings, you can choose any month, daylight saving, time zone, latitude, longitude and the appropriate method of calculating prayer time.

prayer times al jahra

Islamic Prayer Timing Calculation

Standard Time Zone: UTC+03:00 hours
Country: Kuwait
City: Al Jahra
Geographic Coordinates Of Al Jahra
Latitude: 29.3366° N
Longitude: 47.6755° E

Muslim Prayer Times Al Jahra, Kuwait

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Time Format:

Asr Prayer Methods

Standard: Shafii, Maliki, Jafari, and Hanbali (shadow factor = 1)

Hanafi: Hanafi school of thought (shadow factor = 2)

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